3 Reasons To See Your OB/GYN Before Attempting To Get Pregnant

If you are thinking about getting pregnant, you might be planning on setting a date with your significant other, not with your gynecologist. However, if possible, it is a good idea to meet with your OB/GYN before attempting to get pregnant. These are a few reasons why. 1. Assess Any Risk Factors First of all, you should know that at your pre-conception appointment, your OB/GYN will look over your medical records and have a pretty in-depth talk with you about your medical history.

Preparing For A Mammography Procedure

Most women are a little hesitant when it comes to getting prepared for their mammography. Knowing the basics up front will help to quell the anxiety that goes along with it. A mammography is a procedure that allows for imaging of the breast to rule out cancer and/or other abnormalities. X-rays are done of the breasts with low doses of radiation. There may be some discomfort during the procedure, but this is minimal.

7 Lifestyle Changes To Combat Your Perimenopause Symptoms

Hormone levels are knocked out of balance during perimenopause, which contributes to the symptoms that you may be experiencing. While hormone replacement therapy is one potential treatment option, it is not without side effects. Many women can successfully restore hormonal balance by making a few key lifestyle changes. Before you turn to hormone replacement therapy, try these seven tips to help you alleviate your symptoms of perimenopause naturally. 1. Cut Back Caffeine

Do You Need A Doula As Well As A Midwife?

If you're planning the birth of your first child, you may already be dealing with an OB/GYN doctor and assorted nurses. Some of these nurses may be certified nurse-midwives, who can provide medical care and deliver your child if you prefer a vaginal birth (as opposed to a C-section) and if you prefer to avoid epidurals and other pain medication. But another person you can have with you is a doula, a type of birth assistant.